Our Services


Finance plays a critical role in everyone’s life. Access to, and proper maintenance of funds is essential for achieving one’s goals or at the very least maintaining a basic quality of life. For too many it is impossible to access the funds they need and even when they have access, they lack the education and support for maintaining financial stability. Empath has a team of financial professionals available to educate and aid those who need it from basics like opening a bank account, establishing a line of credit, and navigate the complexities of tax preparation. At Empath, our aim is to enable people with the tools and information they need for a stable, self-sufficient life.


It is the aim of Empath to promote and incentivize education wherever it can. Through our services we hope to provide updated information about specialized training and educational opportunities for those interested in diploma and certificate programs to qualify for gainful employment. We recognize that it will be impossible to do this on our own, so we are actively developing partnerships with Trade Unions, Special Skills Training Schools, and the Higher Education community to develop, maintain, and update information about training and education opportunities. It is our goal to be able to provide scholarships for aspiring students and loans to entrepreneurial graduates.


Health is the primary enabler of a productive life. It is impossible to be physically and emotionally healthy while struggling with finances, employment, education, or the law. While money and education are no guarantee for health it does make things easier. While we can’t promise that we’ll be able to solve every health problem we can promise to make every effort to get people the care they need. That is why Empath maintains an updated listing of available health clinics, hospitals, and offers mental, and physical healthcare referrals.

Entreprenuership Coaching

Country and region-specific market conditions, changing technology, and different tastes require professionally researched success planning for various existing and newly developing enterprises. There are many areas in the global market where employment is not a viable option, and where small-scale entrepreneurial initiatives have a better chance of creating opportunities for economic and financial success, and viable employment opportunities for unemployed or underemployed people. Empath Foundation maintains a list of business experts who would volunteer to coach and assist new entrepreneurs in business planning and business success.


Access to legal services can be difficult if not impossible for all but the wealthiest and most connected families. We have lawyers on staff, and volunteers. available to educate individuals on their rights and navigate basic legal issues. If further help is needed refer them to attorneys who specialize in the appropriate area and whose fees are reasonable.